6th March was my due date but this little lady has a different idea... she's staying put! I've always measured atleast a week smaller so maybe they got my dates wrong and I'm not actually 'due' until tomorrow. Who knows?
so now I am 6 days overdue and every little pain I'm thinking 'ohh is this something?' but no, it's not. Infact yesterday I went to the midwife to have the sweep however, she was unable to do it because I'm only 1cm and it wasnt possible for her to complete the sweep properly. So she told me she'd have to book me in to be induced on Tuesday 18th March - however theres no appointments so I'm booked in for Wednesday 19th March instead. And I've also got to go back to her on Friday 14th for another attempt of the sweep... she also said I could go to the drop in clinic on the weekend for another one just to try to avoid being induced. I really really don't want to be induced but now I'm sort of coming to terms with the idea that I will be and trying to prepare myself for it to be better than last time atleast.
When I had Oliver I was induced at 4 days over because my blood pressure was just too high, the induction worked very well first time and after a short labour of 2hrs 45 minutes getting him out and 2 hours further for the placenta to get out, so 4hrs 45 minutes in total it was super quick and I'm terrified it will be that quickly again. Also being induced means delivery suite with doctors and not the lovely birthing centre I had my heart set on - my blood pressure has been fine this pregnancy and I really thought I'd be able to have the water birthing pool and relaxing nice room instead of a horrid little hospital style room but as long as baby girl arrives safely does it really matter? Maybe I should be packing other things now to help me relax in a different environment?
There's lots of old wives tales of ways to induce labour and I haven't met anyone yet who agrees on one thing that will actually work. Walking up and down the stairs sideways - just made me dizzy. Pineapple juice - just made me feel sick. Going for a walk - not easy when your feet are swollen and no shoes fit you apart from those cardy uggs you always regretted buying until now, now that nothing else fits upon your fat feet. Bouncing on a yoga ball - get small pains and then nothing. So I don't know what else to try but wait and see when she decides to come out!
Were you overdue with your little one? What did you try to make them come without being induced ? @mummymemories
Everything ready for baby girl...
Mary-Kate, x
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