Saturday, 21 June 2014

Keep Britain Breastfeeding: Top breastfeeding tips

Top breastfeeding tips!
Considering I'm still fairly new to breastfeeding (13 weeks) I don't know if I'm experienced enough to offer you lots of breastfeeding tips but I wanted to share with you what has really helped me so far so, as a newbie because thats where we all start isn't it? I hope that it can help other expecting and new mums who want to breastfeed their babies. 
If you didn't breastfeed your first baby - that doesn't mean you can't breastfeed your second! I'm proof of that!
After having Oliver I gave up breastfeeding exclusively because I thought he was hungry. At 24 hours old all he done was cry and I took that as I wasn't making enough milk for him and he needed more... So I asked my mum, ok cried for her to get me some SMA and after that I combined until - fairly quickly, I gave up breastfeeding all together. This time I was more determined to be successful with breastfeeding Isabelle so when I was pregnant I looked into it alot so my first tip for you is to research, google, attend groups for pregnant ladies looking to breastfeed (I didn't but have heard they're great), ask any questions you have even if you think they're silly - if the answer is going to help you breastfeed then it's not a silly question. We were actually lucky enough to go to a Mummy & Little Me pregnancy retreat, which meant we got to talk in person to Alison Brown who is an expert midwife with many years experience all about breastfeeding and afterwards they sent us a magazine which was packed full of useful information.
My second breastfeeding tip is to pack helpful breastfeeding items in your hospital bag to help you in those early days of breastfeeding. I ended up having an emergency c-section and was in for 2 nights but I could of ended up being in for longer so it's good to have those items there with you because when your milk comes in your boobs go hard and I don't know about anyone else but I couldn't stop crying!! So in hospital I was helped by an extra pillow (Michael brought this in after birth when I asked him to), breastfeeding nighties and sleep bra. Also breast pads, my favorite ones are by lansinoh I found the others itchy but these are really thin and don't irritate me. As well as breastpads I also had Medela Hydrogel pads which saved me from alot of tears, they instantly made my boobs less sore when my milk had come in... I was so upset when I dropped one on the floor! You can actually get a little Medela breast care set which includes, breast pads, cream and hydrogel pads which is ideal for taking to hospital with you.

Also don't be too shy to ask a midwife or assistant to see if you're latched on properly, luckily Isabelle never had a problem with latching on but Oliver did and my nipples were so sore!

Once you're home my tips for breastfeeding would be 
  • somewhere comfortable to feed, it really does make the difference. I'm lucky as I have a rocking nursing chair and footstool, it's amazing and comfortable for those long feeds.
  • ask for help - when you feel like you need help don't be afraid to ask for it. Breastfeeding support workers are great and the NCT helpline is fantastic to offer you support in those early days or infact any day when you're struggling and want some tips. You're not alone is sometimes all you need to know!
  • suitable clothing - I love my nursing clothes, it's really easy to breast feed discreetly. If you don't want to buy nursing clothes or you cant afford to change your wardrobe - I can't fit into my pre pregnancy clothes yet anyway so I would of had to get new ones, might as well of been nursing but if you can fit into your normal clothes or you dont want to spend lots then I suggest you look into breastvest - its a fantastic idea, you can wear it under normal tops and when you lift your top up, your tummy is still covered. 
  • Nursing cover - if you're shy, it's a good idea to think about how you will feel comfortable feeding your baby while out. I think it's great if you're confident enough to just get your boob out and start feeding infront of whoever, wherever! But having said that, I'm not that confident and like to stay covered I used a Snoob breastfeeding scarf and no one even knows its a breastfeeding accessorie! I love it. 
  • regular feeding - it will encourage your body to make more milk and be prepared for newborn cluster feeding. I literally felt like I was feeding all day long non stop and with Oliver I didn't realise that was actually normal and wouldn't last forever - that's why I think it's really important to know a little bit before you start breastfeeding so you don't just give up assuming the wrong thing.
  • breast pump - I've tried three now and the best has to be Ardo Medical Calypso double electric breast pump, it's not as noisy as others and because it's double it saves so much time being able to do both breasts at the same time. It is actually the only breast pump that hasn't hurt me and the fact its nearly silent means I can do it while Isabelle is asleep in the same room.
  • skin to skin - at difficult times I made sure we had some skin to skin, really feel like that helped when we were struggling.
  • Breastfeeding pillow - Especially after having a c-section, I couldn't cope with baby on my tummy so having a pillow to lay her on and bring her to the correct height is a 'tear saver' for me. I love my one from Thrupenny bits.
I found it helpful to encourage 'let down' I use these Lansinoh Therapearl 3in1 breast therapy they're great, I pop them in the microwave and then insert inside my bra, shortly after my boobs feel hard and I'm ready to feed Isabelle. I have noticed that if I have a warm shower, my boobs get really full of milk. Relax your shoulders down and stop being tense when feeding also helps.

Thrupenny Bits nursing pillow
Finally, invest in some comfortable nursing bras! Very important to feel comfortable and to feed easily, Boobie Milk offer a great range of bras from fantastic brands including Hotmilk & Bravado! Both of which I own and are really comfortable and I'm delighted to be able to offer you a chance to win £10 to spend at Boobie Milk via the rafflecopter entry form below! A few of my favourite items available at Boobie Milk... 

bravado bodysilk seamless

eclipse bra by Hotmilk

luminous bra by Hotmilk

Good luck, x

p.s. Make sure you look out for my second post later - I've got a top breastfeeding products one too as I've found lots of little things useful and thought I'd share with you.

Some other bloggers involved are:
Mummies Waiting
Life With Pink Princesses
Going on an adventure
Visit From The Stork
My Little L

Some companies involved are:
Boobie Milk
Cherub Chews


  1. so true about needing information while pregnant, if you don't have breasfeeders in your family and friends, definatly get to groups that have breasfeeding supporters, knowing about how those first few weeks feel, and that it does not stay that hard would help so many women breasfeed for longer. I would add that a carrier that you can feed comftably in while at home for almost hands free feeding is amazing

  2. Great post, agree with Tanzi with the groups, my tip would be to try out different feeding positions to find out which is best for you and your baby

  3. I bought a Snoob - a stylish and 'chic' scarf and breastfeeding cover in one. It was great for breastfeeding in public and gave me and my baby privacy.

  4. Just relax baby can sense if you calm or not

    Lynsey Buchanna

  5. take your time dont rush things, a shawl is perfect for breast feeding in public

  6. My top tip is not to let anyone try and bring you down for breastfeeding. There will always be someone who doesn't think you should, ignore them!

  7. Try and enjoy the extra snuggles. Even when they happen to be at 3am!

  8. It takes time and patience, but it's well worth it ... And a Snoob is a great help whejn out and about in public

  9. relax! and don't expect it to be easy to start off

  10. My top tip would be: be confident, smile at anyone having a nosey and find somewhere comfy to sit as you may be there a while!

  11. Read up about breastfeeding before the baby is born and make sure you know who to be referred to for e.g. tongue tie issues etc.

  12. dont be afraid to ask for help/advice!

  13. Educating yourself antenatally is key.

  14. My top tip would be to listen to the people around you.dont be afraid to ask the people around you for help x

  15. Unfortunately I didn't breastfeed x

  16. In the early days/weeks just be prepared to be breastfeeding alot! Find a comfortable spot, grab some snacks a big drink and something good to watch or read

  17. buy the correct bras, I didnt with my son. Last year I won the main prize in "keep Britain breastfeeding" and won lots of lovely bras which have made things a lot easier

  18. Ask for help if/when you need it and demand it if you arn't getting it, hv's, breast feeding clinics etc find out where your local clinic is and bravely go there x

    (Pia S)

  19. My previous post disappeared.

    Relax and enjoy; give it what it takes because it won't last forever and you can get it back. Once it's over, it's over. It gets easier too. Enjoy every bit of it as much as you can because it changes as you on. Maintain your milk supply inline with your breastfeeding goal.

  20. Enhanced blood dissemination can be picked up as an aftereffect of the same and this is particularly key for expanding the proficiency of various organs particularly hearts, lungs, digestive and digestion system framework, stomach and some more. What to eat to increase Breast Milk


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