Tuesday, 5 January 2016

rainy day indoor activities for kids and families

Sunday was such a miserable weather day. We spent time Saturday night googling rainy day activites and couldnt find anything we liked the look of. Honestly the page we read suggested following rain drops down the window?! Now I need to ask you, would your child actually have any interest in that? Am I going wrong somewhere here... Oliver would possibly do that for a minute and then ask for the tv remote.

Ok so Tv has happened more than it should do but oh well. As long as it's not on all day long what's the problem, I'll hold my hands up and say cbeebies has really helped me on several occasions... when dinner was running later than it really needed to be, when everyone was just being super grumpy or when I simply needed 5 minutes peace. We have had lazy days more than we should do. Sometimes we were in bed at 9am. You know at the end of the school break, you get this feeling of "what have we actually done with the kids?" Where have we taken them, facebook filled with photos of where friends have taken their children over the christmas break youre left feeling am i a bad parent?
There's been some amazing photos of lapland uk, which looked amazing but price wise so out of our budget this year and probably next year too. Winter wonderland, however wonderful it looks it isnt going to be suitable for my two grumpalos. We will leave feeling so stressed out there wouldnt be anything wonderful about that at all. One stropping he wants to go on something and the line is too big for us to wait with a toddler who hates to behave in public like the little ray of sunshine she is at home.
Oh I should totally take this opportunity to mention that the terrible twos have started! Fun. Shes usually so good at home, honestly she is! Enter sainsburys and suddenly im questioning who this wild animal by my side is, did I lose Isabelle somewhere or exchange her for a wild crazy thing.
Weather miserable. A hate for soft play centres on weekends or school holidays, urggh I just can't deal with that and Michael definitely cannot. A refusal to pay £35 to take the kids bowling which would be over in a heartbeat (£35 like really?! Am I being really tight, is that the normal cost?! Is bowling so much better than I remembered?!). Cinema is out of the question as Oliver isnt a fan of films and to be honest, if we are going to watch a film its at home so that when one of these little creatures need the toilet I can press PAUSE and not be left forever thinking WHAT HAPPENED during that toilet break. Lets face it, youre probably going to miss the best bit in the whole film.
So we decided to get some bed sheets out and make a tent in the front room. It took us a while moving furniture...we? Ok it took Michael a while. The childrens faces were a picture and they both loved it for the first 9 minutes. Isabelle then decided it would be really fun to pull it down on top of us resulting in an Oliver meltdown. I had to remind him that he was 6 years old and not 2, that he could and should just understand its made from sheets and can be easily rebuilt (by daddy).
When the monster baby calmed down we rebuilt it. By this point Oliver was over on he snuggle chair playing what has to be the most frustrating game ever made, thank you very muchly uncle james and auntie Elena for that present by the way. oh the meltdowns it has caused already.. by me. Isabelle jumping around... michael disapeared... then I noticed he was in the tent all on his own!! "i thought id see if i could get 5 minutes peace hiding in here". He was sat inside the tent.... he got about 1 minute then Isabelle joined him, jumping off the sofa into the tent shouting. Which alerted Oliver to the fun that was happening... mummy escapes to the kitchen for a biscuit and cup of tea. Mwahahaha.
Which reminds me of my favourite book to read Isabelle at the moment, five minutes peace.
Mrs Large really wants 5 minutes peace and you know what I really feel her pain.
Have you got any rainy day suggestions for us? Please. We really could do with them!

Mary-Kate, x
Mummy 2 Monkeys


  1. I haven't made a tent out of a sheet for ages but it's always great fun ! I always empathise with Mrs Large in 5 Minutes Peace too !

  2. I love rainy days, me and the boys get out the big arts and crafts box and get really messy. the house is is usually filled with glue, glitter and paint lol. Thanks for linking up to #ToddlerAndTeens over at Mummy2Monkeys


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